It is extremely hard for me to think of topics to write about. I have so many things going on in my life, yet finding something interesting to write about is so complicated each week. I think I will write about my Friday mornings yoga class. I had never taken any type of yoga class in the past and didn’t really know what it was like. This semester I decided to try it since I needed the unit anyway. My expectations of this class were way off. I thought that yoga was a relaxation method where the main concentration is your breathing and stretching. I never thought it would be such a complicated process. I have only had that class about four weeks and I have learning so much about it. Let me tell you, it is not the easiest tasks in the world. The different positions are very complex and entail a lot of work. My first three times in the class instead of achieving relaxation, I achieved frustration. The instructor made us do many positions that I didn’t even know my body can do. Instead of slowing down my heart beat, it elevated it as if I were jogging. Luckily, today for the first time I actually fared to control my movements and somewhat regulate my breathing. However, just when I was getting into the yoga routine the instructor incorporated more complex movements that again through me off. Hopefully in the next class I can manage to control the new movements, if not I will never take yoga again in my life!
Fared- Verb: Perform in a specified way in a particular situation or over a particular period of time
Entail- to cause or involve by necessity or as a consequence
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