Friday, October 14, 2011

School and Work

            A couple weeks ago I was reading an article in the New York Times by Carla Rivera.  In this article she stated that in California only 14.8% of full-time college students actually graduate within four years. The amount of time it’s now taking college students to graduate has doubled. Approximately 60% of full-time students now graduate within an eight year time frame. This is amazing to me; luckily I fall in that 14.8% of full-time students graduating within a four year time frame. It has been very hard and exhausting at times to be a full time student and also have a full time job. In the article I read that about 75% of college students now also have a full-time job aside from school, this is probably the biggest reason why it is taking so many students many more years to obtain their degree.
            I began working at the age of sixteen at an amusement park. Back then I was only working part-time so work never was an issue. Then, when I graduated high school and went on to college I wanted to have more money therefore, I decided to take on more hours at a retail store as a cashier. At the beginning handling school and work was very easy because the tasks given to me at work were simple and didn’t require more of me. However, a few years later, in my junior year of college I wanted to be completely independent and decided to get a full time job that required more responsibilities. The first semester I was certain working full time and going to school full time was not going to be an issue, yet by the end of the semester I realized I was erroneous. At the end of the semester when it came down to term papers and final exams I felt that I had no time to study or finish my work. I was doing scantily at work thinking about school and I was doing poorly at school thinking about work. When the semester was over and grades came back it became clear to me that full-time school and full-time work is not such a good idea. Although my parents were willing to help me out through school I felt a sense of independence I just couldn’t bring myself to let go. So, instead of reducing hours at work I decided to enlist in only three classes a semester and make up the other classes during winter breaks. It has been working out for me so far and I hope it remains that way.

Erroneous- wrong; incorrect  
Scantily- Poorly; inadequately

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